Healthy & Nutritional Diet during Pregnancy


You are here because you are going through the most beautiful phase of your life i.e. Pregnancy & it 's a milestone in a woman's life. Every moment is special throughout your 
pregnancy ,pregnancy test in hindi
pregnancy, so to cherish all those moments you need to keep yourself healthy and happy So, you need to have a nutritional & balanced diet.

Balanced Diet during pregnancy  

Having a healthy and nutritious diet during pregnancy is important to your baby's growth and development.

 In order to get the nutrients,  you must eat from a variety of food groups including fruits and vegetables, multi-grains, protein sources, and dairy products.


 Necessary vitamins and minerals during pregnancy-:

Calcium:  Mothers  should have a high intake of calcium as it is needed for building bones and muscles of the baby. calcium is so essential that when the diet is deficient the body will obviously takes calcium from the mother’s bones to nourish fetus which in turn, leads the mothers at high risk of  osteoporosis

Zinc:   It helps in the construction of your baby's cells and DNA during pregnancy.

Magnesium:  magnesium is required to regulate body temperature. A severe deficiency can lead to high blood pressure and seizures, infant mortality, and congenital disabilities.

Iron:  Deficiency of iron can cause you anemia and may further lead to preterm labor.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A  is important for baby's embryonic growth and also include the development of heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, bones as well as the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.

Vitamin B complex: The entire  B complex vitamins play an important role in your strength and health while the baby is developing. vitamin B complex plays a major role in the baby's brain development, good vision, healthy skin and lowers the risk of preeclampsia.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is important for the formation of collagen which is especially important in blood vessels.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D regulates the amount of calcium and phosphate which helps in keeping bones and teeth healthy. Deficiency  can cause baby bones to soften and can lead to rickets (a disease that affects bone development in babies ).

Vitamin E: There is a major role of vitamin E  in pregnancy. It helps in the protection of the cells of the body from harmful radicals.

pregnancy diet,pregnancy diet in hindi
pregnancy diet 

Natural sources of vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium    

Calcium       : dairy products, almonds, seeds, beans and lentils.

Magnesium : spinach,nuts,dark chocolate,black beans.

Zinc             : whole grains, nuts, dairy products.

Iron              : tofu, spinach, whole wheat bread, lentils.

Vitamin A     : milk, carrot and  green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B     :bread, grains,seeds, dry fruits.

Vitamin B2  : dairy products, nuts, fortified cereals, sweet  potato.

Vitamin B3  : peanuts, avocado, brown rice, whole wheat, mushrooms.

Vitamin B5   : whole grains, dairy products, legumes, vegetables.

Vitamin B6   : oats, brown rice, soya beans. 

Vitamin B9   :citric fruits,beans,beetroot,cauliflower,green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B12: yogurt, fortified cereals, cheese, milk.

Vitamin C   : citric fruits,capsicum.broccoli,cabbage,spinach.

Vitamin D   : dairy products, orange juice, soy milk and cereals.

Vitamin E   : almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, avocado, spinach.

Balanced pregnancy diet,healthy diet during pregnancy

Basically, you should have a proper meal with an intake of folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamins and also you need to have six to eight glasses of liquid daily including juices and milk.


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