13 Best fruits to have during Pregnancy

Being pregnant does not mean that you eat for two but you need to have additional requirements of nutrients during pregnancy. You need to consume vegetables and fruits to meet the requirement of a growing baby in the womb. Your diet is incomplete without fruits during pregnancy. Although we should have all fruits during pregnancy, there are some which are really healthy and beneficial during pregnancy. Let’s have a significant look at fruits to have throughout these 9 months.

  Importance of fruits in pregnancy

Fruits are the most important from the diet perspective. Eating fruits rich in vitamins, fiber provides    nutrition which helps pregnant mother and growing baby.

  Fruits supply some of the nutrients listed below
Helps in
Vitamin c
Helps in baby’s bone and tooth development
Folic Acid
Prevents  fetal defects
Deals with constipation and iron-rich fruits prevent anemia.
Gives  relief from cramps
Beta carotene
Development of tissue and cells, and develops the immune system of the baby.

13 Healthy fruits to have during pregnancy

1. Apple
13 Best fruits to have during Pregnancy

Apple is one of the most common and important fruit to eat while pregnant. Apples are rich in nutrients and contain vitamins A, E, and D. It increases the immunity and strength of the body.

2. Banana
13 Best fruits to have during Pregnancy

Banana is the most commonly eaten fruit. Banana is an excellent source of carbohydrates, vitamins C and B, dietary fibre, essential fatty acids. Banana is also a good source of folic acid and helps in preventing premature labor. Banana also contains iron and fight pregnancy anemia

3. Kiwi
13 Best fruits to have during Pregnancy

Kiwi fruit is rich in Folate, which is important in the formation of the cell. Folate also ensures the development of vital organs. Kiwi fruit is full of antioxidants which strengthens the immune system of the baby.
4 Pear
fruits for pregnancy

Pears is rich in Folate, vitamin Cand fibre.

5. Pomegranate
fruits for pregnancy

Pomegranate is highly recommended during pregnancy as they contain folate, iron, and protein.

6. Cherries
fruits for pregnancy

Cherries contain vitamin C.Cherries ensure efficient blood supply to the placenta.

7. Strawberries
fruits for pregnancy

Strawberries are rich in vitamins,fibre, and folate.

8. Watermelon
watermelon during pregnancy

Watermelon contains vitamin A, C and B6. Watermelon is also rich in fibre. Watermelon helps in relieving heartburn.

9. Orange
orange during pregnancy

Orange comprises of vitamin c i.e. it has antioxidant property and also aids in iron absorption. Orange has Folate a key vitamin needed during pregnancy and has high water content which helps you stay away from dehydration.

10. Avocado
avocadoduring pregnancy

Avocado is one of the most important fruit during pregnancy as it is known to have more Folate than other fruits. Avocado is also a great source of vitamin C, B and also contain fibre, magnesium, and potassium.

11. Mango
mango during pregnancy

Mangoes are a good source of vitamin C and A which help in baby’s bone and is also aids in developing the immune system. Mango also contains folic acid and fibre. 

12. Guava
guava during pregnancy

Guava is rich in vitamin C, E, and Carotenoids. Guava aids digestion and provides strength to the baby’s nervous system.

13. Chikoo
chikoo during pregnancy

Chikoo is loaded fully with electrolytes, vitamin A, Carbohydrates. Chikoo helps in controlling nausea.

How to add fruits to the Diet?

Make fruit salad

You can have in the form of smoothie or shakes.

Whenever you feel hungry have dry fruits and fruits.

Have fruits like Orange when you feel like vomiting.

You can garnish fruits on some dish so you can easily include fruits daily in your diet.

How many servings of fruits to have daily?

Having a 3-4 serving of fruits is good.

In general, one serving of fruit is
  • Medium size of whole fruit
  • 1 cup of cut fruit
In a nutshell, Consuming  fruits during pregnancy helps to

  • Satisfy sweet cravings
  • Regulate your blood sugar
  • Keep hydrated
  • Gives essential nutrients


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