Am I pregnant ??? Pregnancy symptoms.
Sixteen pregnancy symptoms
Although the
most common symptoms of pregnancy is a missed period, but some women can detect
the early symptoms during week 1 or week 2 after conception.
Breast changes: Many changes take place during the early week of
pregnancy. Due to the hormonal changes in the body, breast tissue increases for the preparation of milk production.because of that breast become swollen, heavy, painful and sensitive.
Bleeding: It is common to have bleeding in early pregnancy and is
associated with implantation bleeding.
Tired and
As your body is preparing itself for pregnancy you will get more tired. Fatigue develops during the early phase of pregnancy, progesterone levels will soar and will make you sleepy. It can also be caused by anemia, which is most
commonly caused by iron deficiency.
urination: One of the main causes of frequent urination is an increase
in hormone levels. The uterus expansion presses into the bladder.
Nausea and
vomiting: "Morning sickness" is faced by 60-70% of women during
pregnancy. This condition basically, improves after the first trimester. Some women
never face this symptom throughout their pregnancy.
symptoms after week 4: Every woman faces different symptoms as
everyone's pregnancy is different. But the sure symptom every woman goes through
is Missed period after week 4.
Missed period: Yes, A Missed period is the hallmark of obvious pregnancy. However, it is not always a
sign of pregnancy. Stress, dieting, and hormone imbalance can also lead to irregular periods. So, always have a test after 7
days of missed periods.
Discharge: It happens due to changes in hormone levels. Changes to
the cervix during pregnancy affect vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge can be
seen throughout pregnancy. At the end of the pregnancy, this discharge increases
due to your baby’s head put pressure on the cervix.
Constipation: You
may feel constipated because of an increase in progesterone, which slows down the
digestive tract. You may also develop piles as result of straining from constipation.
To get relief from this problem eat healthy and nutritious food and plenty of
Refer to Healthy and nutritional diet
Smell sensitivity:
smells can bring a woman to nausea and even vomiting in some cases during the first
cravings and food aversions: All of a sudden taste will change. You
may also notice a sudden distaste for foods you previously liked and
vice-versa. Some women also develop an unusual craving for metallic taste.
Heartburn: This
is the most problematic symptom during pregnancy. Usually, starts during 5th
month. Heartburn is a burning sensation extends from the bottom of the breastbone
to the lower throat. It can have antacid to solve this problem and also avoid citric
fruits, coffee, tea, and spicy food.
Cramps: leg cramps occur during the last 3 months of pregnancy. It occurs due to decreased
blood circulation in the legs from the pressure of the baby on blood vessels.
Mood swings: Changes in the hormonal levels can affect your mood. Mood
changes are common during pregnancy which in turn, can make you depressed,
irritable and sometimes it may happen because of stress.
Weight gain:
is the main factor of pregnancy. From the 4th months onwards you will
start gaining weight. A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant
should gain 25 to 35 pounds. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And
overweight women need to gain 15 to 25 pounds.
Back pain: Back
pain is the symptom that is caused by changing posture. Pain increases after 5th
month especially, when your baby starts gaining weight.
Shortness of
breath: Shortness
of breath mostly takes place during the third trimester of pregnancy. As a baby
is growing in the womb there is a high demand for oxygen to the body.
Pregnancy symptoms after week 4: Every woman faces different symptoms as everyone's pregnancy is different. But the sure symptom every woman goes through is Missed period after week 4.
Refer to Healthy and nutritional diet
Food cravings and food aversions: All of a sudden taste will change. You may also notice a sudden distaste for foods you previously liked and vice-versa. Some women also develop an unusual craving for metallic taste.
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