Second trimester of pregnancy weeks

The Second trimester of pregnancy weeks

The pregnancy is grouped into three trimesters.  First trimester, second trimester and third trimester. The first trimester lasts from week 1 to week 13. The second trimester comprises of week 14 to week 28. The third trimester comprises of week 29 to week 40. The second trimester of pregnancy is the most comfortable trimester from the first trimester as all those early signs and symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sense of smell and taste improves.

Baby’s growth during the Second trimester

As in the first trimester, the baby's bones, muscles, digestive system, brain, sense of touch and taste started developing. In the Second trimester of pregnancy, your baby‘s growth continues on the foundation of the first trimester.

Second trimester of fetal development
Fetal development

Week 14 – Week 20

Your baby‘s little eyebrows are visible.

Your baby’s eyes can move now, although the eyelids are shut.

Fingernails and toenails are growing.

Baby’s heartbeat can be heard by a stethoscope.

Your baby gets a wax coating (vernix) .vernix will cover the baby’s body and protects the skin.

Your baby’s head and long bones are developing.

Your baby’s skin will start to thicken.

Your baby may start practicing sucking and swallowing thumb.

Week 21 – Week 28

You might be able to feel your baby’s movements known as quickening. Your baby is regularly sleeping and waking. He/she might be awakened by noises or some movements.

Your baby is also gaining fat.

This is the time when your baby can react to voice and loud noise. It means the baby’s ears are fully developed.

Baby can close and open mouth and if he/she take hiccups you might feel jerk.

Your baby might feel emotion like smiling.

Your baby’s lungs develop and the nervous system continues to mature.

By the end of the second trimester, your baby weighs almost 1 kg and 16 inches long.

Basically, during the second trimester of pregnancy baby’s organs become fully developed. And the baby can move around.


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