The Third trimester of pregnancy weeks
The third trimester begins in week 28 of pregnancy and lasts
until you give birth, which may be around week 40 of pregnancy. Welcome to the Third Trimester.
Baby’s growth during the third trimester
During the second trimester of
pregnancy baby’s organs become fully developed. And the baby can move around.
Now during the third trimester of pregnancy baby continues on the foundation of the second trimester.
Week 28 – Week 32
Your baby’s brain tissue is developing
Your baby gain weight.
Baby’s hair scalp continuing to grow.
Baby’s muscles are maturing and bones are hardening.
You may notice from her/his kicks that baby is growing
stronger each week.
Fat begins to deposit on your baby’s body.
Baby born prematurely,
can probably survive after 7 months of pregnancy.
Your baby changes position frequently and responds to sound,
pain, and light.
Your baby‘s body feature has developed.
Your baby is practicing breathing.
Baby’s toenails are formed.
Week 33 – week 40 (till babies born)
Baby’s lungs are continuing to mature.
Your baby is gaining weight each week.
Baby’s respiratory systems are developed.
The facial features have fully developed.
Baby’s kidneys are developed and the liver can function.
Your baby’s position changes to prepare itself for delivery. Baby drops down his/her head in your pelvis.
By the end of this trimester, your baby is about 18 to 20
inches long and weighs is about 2.49 kg. However, healthy babies come in different sizes.
Now, you can give birth to your baby at any time during the week
37 –week 42 of pregnancy.
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